Sunday 14 September 2014

Myerscough begin with a Win

Summer 2014 has been a busy one off the court for Myerscough College Basketball Academy. After our successful performance camp back in August it has been all hands on deck in preparation for the new season, a season that started today (14th September) against local and ambitious neighbours Lancashire Spinners - who have had their own busy summer building on their fantastic reputation.

It is safe to say that there has been a lot of excitement at the prospect of Myerscough playing National League and it is recognised as a big step forward for a programme just a year old.

New boys Tadhg + Cian Hickey, Joao Paiva and Nils Ozolins were unavailable (Awaiting International Clearance), whilst 6 Myerscough players were away with the Northwest at the under 17 development tournament; this meant a call up for debutants Earl Russell, Jordie Thomas, David Walsh, Ryan Forde and Kiko Stavrev who would join returners Montel Dennis, Emmanuel Kabengele, Owen Stanley and veteran Nick McCarthy in the Myerscough squad.  

Lancashire Spinners 2, also new to Basketball England’s Division 4 netted first as both team started nervously. Kiko Stavrev replied, opening the scoring for Myerscough. An Owen Stanley triple settled the nerves for the young Myerscough side and as the quarter wound down a well worked offence gave Ryan Forde the chance to score at the ring, he did so giving Myerscough a 7 point cushion after the first. 18 – 11.

Myerscough turned the screw defensively during the second forcing 6 consecutive stops leading to a 16 point run which ultimately blew the game open, Earl Russell with the pick of the points finishing with a big dunk after great defensive pressure. Myerscough ran the break effectively and made the Spinners pay for lapses in concentration; David Walsh put the exclamation mark on a great quarter hitting from deep for Myerscough after precise ball movement. The score at the half, 41 – 19 in Myerscough’s favour.

A slow third saw Myerscough ease off the gas; this gave the Spinners a ray of light which they snapped up. Back to back triples sparked a 16 – 4 run for the visitors as Myerscough struggled for rhythm on both ends. In what was a quarter that is sure to be analysed by the Myerscough Coaches the Spinners outscored the home side 22-12, giving Myerscough a 12 point lead going into the 4th.

Emmanuel Kabengele stretched the lead back out to 16 within 1 minute of the start of the final quarter and from that point Myerscough only looked back to rectify the mistakes of the third. Jordie Thomas spearheaded the home sides defensive efforts as Myerscough looked to shut out the Spinners – this strategy worked holding the away team to only 2 points throughout the 4th as Myerscough eased to a 67 – 43 victory.

Coach Neal Hopkins was satisfied with his teams efforts ‘It’s a good start, we have a lot to work on but we also have a lot to work with so I am excited about our future in senior National league. These young men will go from strength to strength plus I am looking forward to having a full squad to select from’.

Montel Dennis had a game high 20 points with Emmanuel Kabengele finishing with 12, Owen Stanley and Earl Russell finished with 7 points apiece for Myerscough.

Myerscough will now embark in a week long team building trip before taking on Manchester Magic in the Men’s National Cup first round (September 21st at ABC).


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