Saturday 21 June 2014

Learning the only way for Myerscough basketball students

Our basketball academy students have been busy learning from one of the best as the renowned Coach Tony Garbelotto joined us for a 6 week training period, Coach Garbelotto gave this overview of his work with the academy; 

‘I have just spent 6 weeks with Coach Neal Hopkins and his elite performance academy at Myerscough College.  During my time, I have been able to take the players through individual skill sessions and onto more complex team practise's.  At the same time, I was able to chat with the coaching staff and to talk through various coaching points and to look at the challenges they will face in the future.  The standard of the players was extremely high and there is no doubt that they worked hard and pushed themselves in every session.  It was a pleasure working with a committed coaching staff and a group of young players who really want to succeed in both education and sport’.

During Coach Garbelotto’s time with the academy, students were exposed to class-room session to discuss positional specific development as well as on court practice sessions breaking down individual actions and positional play. 

Head Coach Neal Hopkins commented on Coach Garbelotto’s contribution by saying ‘It has been great to have Coach Garbelotto here with us for an extended period of time, Tony is someone who I have great respect for and to give our students the opportunity to work with him is something that will not be undervalued and will stand out as a hugely important part of their individual development, it has been a great six weeks for everyone here at the academy’.

Coach Garbelotto added ‘There is no doubt that in my mind Myerscough Basketball Academy has the potential to be at the forefront of elite basketball development over the coming years.  High level coaching, outstanding support staff including S & C and medical back up allow young people to concentrate on being outstanding student/athletes.  With the unique situation of been based on campus full time, I cannot see why any top young basketball player would not choose Myerscough as their next stop on the performance pathway’.

We would like to thank Coach Garbelotto for his time with us and look forward to him coming back in to work with the next group of athletes. 

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