Sunday 28 September 2014

Myerscough U18’s victorious in the Hoop Dreams pre-season tournament


Sunday 21st September saw Myerscough's u18 squad travel to the annual Hoop dreams tournament held at the American school in Egham (ACS Egham).

This tournament hosts U14s, u16s, and U18s all at national league level. The U18’s was split into 3 groups Conference A, Conference B, and U18 premier.

Myerscough was entered into the Premier division along with the South Regional team and London Westside rangers.

Myerscough’s u18 team consisted of: Adam Morris, Yannick Kablan, Kameron Shorrocks, Harry Parr, Kieran Howell, Matthew Hodgkinson, Caine Lewin-Tuner and Pawel Koltuniuk.

The first game for Myerscough was against the Westside rangers, previously undefeated in their 2013/14 campaign in the Southern Conference.

Starters: Yannick, Adam, Kameron, Harry, and Caine.

Within the first few minutes Westside push to a 6-0 run, Harry starts the Myerscough offense with an open jump shot. The Northern side seemed to find it difficult as the Westside team had two athletic rim protectors who swatted away any drives to the basket.

Myerscough’s Kameron and Adam managed to create some space later in the half by hitting back to back 3’s. The score at the half was 15-20.

Second half saw the Myerscough clan play with a bit more urgency, starting off promisingly going on a 5 point run with timely steal by Kieran. Timeout was called by the opposition to break the run, Myerscough feeling confident with what seemed to be there new lease of life.

After the pause in play the Rangers came out with a killer’s mentality scoring 8 baskets unanswered and holding Myerscough scoreless. Caine managed to hit an open jump shot for the Rangers to only retaliate in another 6 to 2 spell. The score now rolling in at 34-20.

As time ran down Myerscough only managed to score 4 baskets to try and break down the lead but the West Side boys were just too strong. The final score ending in 36-28 to the Rangers.

 South Regional Vs Myerscough

With the fresh taste of defeat the Myerscough crew decided that they were not going home empty handed. In order to stand a chance to play another game the boys urgently recognised this one was an all or nothing game.

Starters for this game: Kieran, Yannick, Adam, Caine and Pavel.

The game plan from the jump ball was to press and trap at any possible opportunity. Kieran Howell did a great job at setting the tone. A few easy steals saw the Myerscough team go up 12-4 in the opening stages. Pavel cleaning up on any missed opportunities around the basket. Numerous free throws kept the Regional team insight of Myerscough. The score at half time was 18-10.

Second half the team came out confident but calm with good ball movement taking good shots and making good decisions although shooting percentage was low. The South Regional team went on a run of 10 points reminding the Northerners that the game had not finished. Good leaderships shown by Matthew allowed the team some great scoring opportunities and trips to the line. Myerscough then pulled away to 27-20.

Myerscough shut down the Regional team to 1 more point before the close of the game. The final score was 31-21.

Finals: West Side Vs Myerscough

Myerscough taking on a worn out Southern team seemed an open opportunity to to claim revenge on their previous victors. The game plan was simple; high speed, double team, full court pressure, deny everything and make them run. This saw the Southern boys quickly burn out and the Northern boys an opportunity to apply pressure.

The opening half saw Myerscough cause countless turn overs for the Rangers resulting in easy baskets in transition. West Side tried to use their size and strength over the undersized, agile Myerscough. The lead quickly jumped out to 17-8 with the West Side struggling to finish at the basket. Their only hope came from picking up loose points at the foul line.

A big 3 from Kameron and a positive effort on the boards by Caine, Pavel and Harry resulted in a strong lead for Myerscough. A time out was called by the West Side for a rest and recovery period for the weary Rangers.  The score at the half 23-20 in favour of Myerscough.

Second half with victory in sight, the boys agreed ‘no let up’ until the final whistle. The Rangers at this stage were fatigued and disjointed with frustration.

A solid team effort on the defensive end kept the West Side team away from reaching distance and what turned out to be a blow out in the final moments of the game. The final score in at 39-26 and Myerscough claiming victory.

Referee Mark Fellows commented after the game “That was the best defence that I have seen in a very long while”.
Congratulations to Myerscough who took the title and a big thank you to the organisers for the invite and putting on a great tournament.

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