Wednesday 11 June 2014

AASE England selection for Myerscough duo

Two of Myerscough’s AASE basketball students have been selected to join up with the AASE England Squad ahead of their trip out to Denmark in September.
Chris Bwana and Montel Dennis will be a part of the 16 day European trip which is being hosted by the Stenhus Basketball Klub in Holbaek, Denmark.
Chris Bwana and Montel Dennis
The trip will encompass a number of training session and fixtures verses Danish and Swedish teams as well as cultural experiences.

On his selection Montel Dennis commented ‘this means a lot to me, I wouldn’t have thought I would have had this opportunity at the beginning of the year, I’m very excited’  Chris Bwana added ‘being selected for the AASE trip has given me the opportunity to represent my country, I can’t wait to gain the experience of playing abroad and learn about a different culture’.

Head Coach of Myerscough Neal Hopkins said this, ‘Chris and Montel and worked hard for this opportunity and it is with thanks to AASE, especially Charlie Ford and the funding from Erasmus+ that they are able to go – I am sure they will do a fantastic job representing all of us at home’
Chris and Montel who are integral parts to the EABL squad look to have a busy summer ahead of them as they prepare for the trip.
To read about our AASE programme please see the link below.

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