Thursday 24 April 2014

Myerscough embark on their first Euro adventure


After the successful open day and taster event run by the basketball academy staff on Monday the 14th of April, it was straight back to it; this time in readiness for our first trip abroad.


Luxembourg was the chosen destination, and with the promise of a great international tournament in Bertrange (the Sparteens cup) we hit the road.

After a long trip, we arrived in Folkestone, where we would spend the night ahead of a ferry crossing to Calais in the morning. A trouble free trip across the channel on Thursday took us into France. En route to Luxembourg (a 5 hour trip from Calais) we called in on Dunkirk for history lesson. After spending a few hours stretching our legs it was back on the bus.

With this being many of the guys first trip abroad to play basketball, Luxembourg provided a fantastic location, a quick visit to the arena in Bertrange, which is an outstanding venue put everyone in high spirits and lifted the excitement levels ahead of our first game on Friday evening.

Our game schedule meant that we had Friday morning off; this gave us a great opportunity to head into the Luxembourg City. The city steeped in history was a fantastic place to visit – it really gave the guys an idea of the culture of our host country and an eye opener as to the beauty of Luxembourg.

With a return to the arena we prepped and got loose ahead of our opening fixture against OKK Belgrade (Beograd). Our Serbian opponents who were founded in 1945 carried a lot of history, their professional team play in the top league in their home country and the club have had several members inducted into the FIBA hall of fame including the late Radivoj Korac. It was most certainly the best way to start our European adventure and without understand the magnitude of the club we were about to face we tipped off. No fear was shown in the opening exchanges and despite the Serbian side holding a significant height advantage Myerscough adjusted well limiting the inside presence of Belgrade with a physical approach. In European fashion Belgrade broke up our transition and made life hard, tactically prying on any visible weaknesses. As the game wore on it was obvious that Myerscough were not to be beaten easily and with Belgrade limiting their rotation we continued to plug away. An 11 point hole that had developed but with one minute to play we brought the score to within 2 points after a well worked offense from a timeout, and a stop on the defensive end resulted in an opportunity to score – however Myerscough rimmed out from deep. After a late foul Myerscough dropped game 1 by 3 points, missing 13 free throws along the way, final score 48 - 45. In what was certainly an eye opener for the lads we had battled throughout, for many this was the first time playing abroad and the first time experiencing the physical and tactical elements of European basketball – it was a great way to start. Belgrade went on to win the tournament crushing most teams on the way.

It was back to the hotel ahead of a loaded Saturday and an early get up.

With the first game at 8:30am we were up and at breakfast at 7:15am – our first game of the day would put us up against Leuven Bears of Belgium, with both teams starting slowly it was clear that concentration would be the order of the fixture, with a rotation of Coaches Myerscough’s Dan Gayle took charge. With both teams exchanging and neither able to pull away the game headed backwards and forwards for its entirety, Leuven shot the ball well from downtown whilst Myerscough struggled for an offensive impact. Leuven did a great job in preventing our dribble drive game and limited us to contested jump shots, which at 9am in the morning was not as effective as it could have been. As time wound down the Belgium’s opened up a small margin and as time expired managed to maintain the lead to send us to a 0 – 2 record walking out 4 point winners 32-28.
There was no time to rest as our final group game came at 11:30, this time we would play Binnenland from the Netherlands, a team we had watched the previous evening and been very impressed with. The game was fiercely competitive from the beginning and incredibly close, both teams coming up with big plays on both ends of the floor. Myerscough as they had done all tournament went far deeper into their rotation than the Dutch team using all 12 player through most quarters with great effect, with 3 minutes left we found ourselves down by 4 points. With two great stops we tied the game up, and with 18 seconds to play ran a play out of a timeout to take the lead – the play, run to perfection resulted in an open lay-up, possibly with too much time we failed to execute allowing the Dutch team to run the floor to score for 2. With no timeouts remaining we ran what we could but couldn’t find a score – a foul late in the clock put Binnenland back to the line where they split to take a 3 point advantage and no time left for a last heave. In what was a fantastic game of basketball with highs and lows we dropped to a 0-3 group record after the 49-46 loss. High praise was in order for both teams after the fixture for putting on a real show. It was a great game to be a part of.

Having finished bottom of a very tough group we would now play for 7 – 12th spot.

Our first classification game would come against Stambruges who had finished 3rd in group A – after a slow start we hit stride, finding our touch around the ring and finishing well through contact. Stambruges struggled to stay in front of our guards and we scored with relative ease. The game put into context the level of the teams in our original group as we eased to a 30 point victory to mark our first international W – final score 62 – 32.

In what was our fourth game of the day we would take on the host team Sparta, a relatively young team who were eager to please the home supporters. It was very much self-preservation mode for the first quarter, with neither team asserting themselves on the game after a gruelling schedule.
Sparta shot the lights out from downtown to open up a 6 point gap during the 2nd, to be replied by a rally from Myerscough levelling the game at the half. Some big plays down the stretch by a tired Myerscough team helped us etch out a 6 point victory and set up the possibility of 6th place. The final score being 42 – 36, in what was a real battle of a game.  
The evening saw some down time and allowed us to stay at the arena to watch Sparta’s professional team play league champions Amicale as Sparta hunted the last playoff spot – we were treated to an awesome exhibition of basketball and the guys got to experience the atmosphere at a European basketball game – it was certainly inspiring. Sparta led by a point guard master class from the outgoing Kasey Ulin grabbed a memorable victory over their rivals in what was a heated, high paced affair. After the game it was back to the hotel and to bed!
With our final fixture at 2pm on the final day, we had the chance to sit back and watch some of the other teams and take on ideas during the final morning, it also allowed some time for reflection on what had been a great experience.

Game time came and once again we took to the court against Leuven Bears in an attempt for some retribution from our group game defeat. We started well, moving the ball with purpose and finishing well to punch out a 10 point lead, then as rotations came in we began to fatigue, going 9 minutes scoreless to trail by 8 at the half. A third quarter push saw us tie the ball game going into the fourth but with energy levels low we slipped to a 4 point defeat to end our tournament in 7th place and with lots of positives to think about.

With an evening spent in the hotel it was an early start on Monday morning as we headed back to the UK, somehow we managed to get to Calais within great time and managed to catch an earlier ferry, meaning we arrived back at Myerscough after a 9 hour drive at 6:30pm – marking a little victory at the end of a great trip.

Upon reflection the tournament had provided a great stage for us to gain some valuable experience, which is what we hoped for. A great spread in playing time and everyone seeing extended minutes was the aim of the trip and considering the inexperience we have at that level the guys should be proud of every minute they played. There is a lot to take away from the trip and memories that will last a life time – our huge thanks go out to Sparta for hosting us.

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