Monday 28 April 2014

INTERVIEW: Bradley Fisher

Bradley signing his letter of intent with Myerscough Head Coach Neal Hopkins

We sit down with Montana State commit Bradley Fisher to discuss his early basketball memories and his hopes for the future..

We asked 7ft Bradley what his earliest memory of basketball was;

My earliest memory of basketball would have to be in year 7 when I was walking to my first P.E class of high school and the teacher at the time asked if I have ever considered basketball, I said no, then he said 'Well you are getting down to practice after school today.' After that day I have always played basketball.
How did you come to be in the position you are in today?
The reason behind where I am today is by grabbing the opportunities I had and working hard both pre, during and post season. It has taken a lot of extra sessions on top of what I had but it was worth it and it will continue to help no matter what.

How did it feel to sign with Montana?
Signing with Montana State was a dream come true. Just to see that all the work you have put in over the years has finally paid off just hit you all at once. I felt comfortable with the Coaching staff and the academic side of what I was getting into. It just felt great, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Having already spent a few years out in America what is it like compared to the UK?
The American style of play is very fast, they like to get up and down the floor with speed and athleticism. Compared to the UK it's more athletic and a lot quicker during the games. Also the attention it has from almost every aspect from newspapers, twitter, recruiting sites etc. they really love basketball!

What are your plans for the summer?

My plans this summer are to hopefully go out to Montana State and attend the training camp and summer school that they have. Where I will get to start on my degree and get to know my teammates before actual school starts in autumn.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years time?

5 years time? I have no idea. I hope to be able to have opportunities to play professionally in different countries which will be no easy task.

What would you say to an aspiring basketball player to help them achieve their goals?

In order to achieve your goals you will have to go all in. Give everything you have towards that goal. Take every opportunity to better yourself not just in basketball but as a student and overall person. Finally always be thankful to those around you who are willing to take you to practice or school/college and make you sandwiches, buy you basketball gear and all those kind of things.

How has Myerscough helped ready you for D1 ball?

Myerscough has helped me prepare for D1 through the style of training sessions, being able to get what I need to head over there in the summer, but also providing the support through advice and coaching on different things also by helping me understand what I should expect to do and see while at MSU.

Thanks Brad!

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