Sunday 30 March 2014

Myerscough duo get England nod

AASE athlete Ryan Knowles and our head sports therapist Nick McCarthy will be linking up with England's 'New Horizons' programme this Easter.

The New Horizons programme is a crucial part of England basketball's player pathway and is designed to focus on individual development as well as help prepare players for the next stage of their development.

Ryan having England experience already under his belt is greatly looking forward to the chance 'it's going to be great to get down to camp, I feel I have developed a lot this year at Myerscough and I'm looking forward to putting the hard work I've put in to practice'

Ryan originally from Warrington, made the move to Myerscough after playing for the highly successful Cheshire Wire basketball club and is the first of our students to join up with an England programme.

Nick McCarthy who has worked tirelessly this season in supporting all of our basketball academy athletes had this to say on his roll 'working as part of a national team is a dream come true for me and it's a real honour. The elite environment that England basketball is creating for its players at all age groups is a fantastic platform to work on'

Nick added 'I've been fortunate to work in a high level environment for a few years now, in particular working at Myerscough where we have some great players and elite level coaching staff making the transition to national team level a lot easier'
Course leader Neal Hopkins added this 'it is a fantastic opportunity for Ryan and Nick and I know they will do a great job, Ryan has improved significantly during the course of the year and should be proud of his selection - Nick is one of the very best at what he does, he deserves success for the work he puts in'

Nick and Ryan will be heading down to London for camp on the 10th and 11th of April.

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