Thursday 20 March 2014

Dan Gayle interview

Inside MCBA (Myerscough College Basketball Academy) is a feature which will see the coaching staff at the academy contribute regular educational blog posts to the site. We will conduct introductory interviews with each member of the coaching staff which will be published in the coming weeks.

Dan Gayle is 2nd team Coach at Myerscough Basketball Academy.. 

When did you first begin playing basketball?
I started playing when I was around the age of 8/9 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. My mum and I migrated when I was young and to make new friends she signed me up to play in a local club called 'ft Lauderdale Lakers'

How and when did you decide to pursue a career in Coaching?

It was apparent pretty early in my playing 'career' that I wasn't as talented at playing the game as most of my peers, growing up training at Brixton Topcats in the same era as Luol Deng, Matthew Bryant Amaning, Justin Robinson to name a few, it was obvious I wasn't going to be the next big thing. To make matters worse I was also riddled with countless health issues so that kind off pushed me into coaching.
 Can you tell us about your base of experience - where have you worked?

At the age of 16/17 I started out as an assistant coach for the London Towers U13's National league team with Aston Smith. I met u18's England head Len Busch at the Towers set up and he had me coach a few junior clubs with him over in Hinchley wood and Walton on thames. I worked at the Guildford Heat for 3 years coaching U18's, Div 3 men, and assisting Creon Raftopoluos. Coached with Surrey Rams headed up by Lekan Popoola, after which I spent 3 season at CBA (Canarias Basketball Academy) under Head coach and Director Rob Orellana.

What are the main differences between basketball in the UK and in Spain?
Although I wasn't coaching in mainland Spain, I learnt a lot from the coaches at the academy and those coaches who briefly visited. The coaches teach continuity, lots of repetition, fundamental movement with and without the ball, work ethic and the importance to repeat all of those things. The main differences I found between the two systems are that in Spain (Europe) the players can play\train within the same system from u10's - senior level and it’s all a part of the same type of play, whereas here I don't believe we do the same. Fundamentals skill development is also big over in Europe, while here in the UK coaches seem to be more focused on getting players to run set offences and winning games.

 What advice would you give to young  coaches who wish to progress up the ranks? 

I'm still a young coach myself, still trying to polish off my repertoire, be known for my philosophy and for producing players. Two big things that's helped me along the way are: Listening and watching, Speaking to other coaches and keeping an open mind. Networking is huge, take as many opportunities as possible and be seen everywhere!

How did you end up at Myerscough?

I came to Myerscough college by networking. I was seeking a new coaching position coming off the end of my time at CBA, while speaking to assistant coach Chris Haslam of Montana State during the off season he told me about a possible coaching opportunity. He mentioned to me that there was a new academy starting at Myerscough and put me in touch with Commander and Chief Neal Hopkins. My self and Neal spoke for a couple of weeks and agreed and shared the same enthusiasm to create and coach an elite basketball program here in the UK... The rest as they say is history.

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