Thursday 7 November 2013

A day in the life of an academy player: Monday


The Academy's court
Many players return to college on Sunday evening or Monday morning after the weekend. Academy players start the week with a training session which lasts 2hours and 45 minutes (9-11.45) , this session follows an hour (8-9) in which the sports hall is open for players to shoot, practice their ball handling etc.. During the morning practice players usually work on individual skills and/or team concepts. This Monday players rotated between three stations for 2 hours; Ball handling, Individual offensive moves and finishing and explosive movement. Stations were followed by around 45 minutes of offensive/team concepts and paired shooting. All five academy coaches are present at practices on Monday morning.


Following practice players have just over an hour in which to eat their lunch and rest before lessons commence at 1. There are two lessons on Mondays, one from 1 till 3 and another from 3 until 5. Currently timetabled for this half-term is Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise at 1 and Assessing Risk in Sport at 3.


The gymnasium
After lessons conclude at 5 players eat their dinner and prepare for individual practice which begins at 6. The focus of individual practice varies each day, common areas of focus are Shooting, Ball handling and individual defence. The specific focus this Monday was weak hand dribble moves and finishes.

The sports hall is available for two hours after the conclusion of individual practice, during this time many players choose to stay and practice their shooting or participate in scrimmage games.

After a 12 hour day at college, Academy players (and coaches!) head to bed ready for Strength and Conditioning at 7.30am and another day of hard work on Tuesday.

Click here to view a sample timetable for Mondays 

For further information about the academy email:

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